The experts at The igia Group™ work with employers and trade associations to assess the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of forming Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (MEWA) and Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Associations (VEBA). If we determine a VEBA/MEWA is a viable option, we fully administer selected plans by providing all management and oversight on behalf of the trust fund participants.

The igia Group™ provides a range of VEBA/MEWA  plan administration services. We will:

  • Monitor all administrative activities to ensure compliance with trust documents, trustee policies, and applicable laws and regulations
  • Identify and assess service providers, and monitor their ongoing performance
  • Perform regular reviews of service provider costs and fees, evaluate viable alternatives
  • Collect all sums due to the trust and disburse all sums owed by the trust on behalf of the trustee
  • Provide centralized eligibility management and billing
  • Maintain accurate books and records
  • Serve as custodian of trust documents and records
  • Provide periodic reporting to the trustee
  • Complete all required government filings

Fee based and/or project based compensation.